Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Technology Wk 5

From that list of Web Resources for the Classroom, I would use the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives and the Math Forum.

The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives contains a huge number of puzzles, problems and games that help improve students understanding through fun activities. I personally enjoyed looking through all of the tools available. There is also great organization to the page so I would be able to choose the subject and the level of the manipulatives which is more useful that having to go to multiple websites for different subjects and grades (Utah State University 2010). As a teacher, I would assign this as an in-class assignment in the computer lab. I would have the students complete a set number of them during the class period to supplement what they have learned in class.

The Math Forum, created by Drexel University, is also something I would consider using in my classroom, both as a tool for me and a tool for my students. I would suggest that the students go on this website to take advantage of the math help available, through Dr. Math or through the math library which includes tons of mathematical books and resources (Drexel University, 2011). Another aspect of the Math Forum that would be useful is the puzzles and problems section. This includes archived and current problems of the week that students can complete in different math subjects, like geometry, algebra and fundamental math. There are also things on this website that I would use for my own teaching. The resources section has a "teacher exchange" where teachers can share activities and lesson plans which can help give me some fresh ideas for my class.

Drexel University. (2011). The Math Forum. Retrieved from The Math Forum

Utah State University. (2010). National library of virtual manipulatives. Retrieved from National Library of Virtual Manipulatives

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! Great references section (nice use of APA)... the only thing I see missing is a citation... for each reference at the end you need a corresponding citation in the body of your post. So I should see (Drexel University, 2011) and (Utah State University, 2010) somewhere in your post at the end of a sentence.
