Sunday, June 5, 2011

Learning Theories- Resources

Math Caching
Similar to Geocaching, this site provides students with a fun online math activity. Students are given a problem and use the solution to find the web address to the next problem. I believe that if there is access to computers, this can be a really great activity. One reason for this is because if you have the students compete in teams to try and find the final hidden box, they will need to work efficiently in groups. Also, an effective way to engage the whole class in an activity is to have a competition or prize offered as a result. A teacher really needs to be able to include the whole class in an activity so that she can be sure each of them is learning. By doing several of these MathCaches, students will develop their skills in whichever math topic the problems are in. Also, by working with others, they will be able to help each other increase their knowledge.

Math Play
While this website does look simple and cheesy, there are a lot of games available that I believe will interest students. In just the section for Algebra games, there is a basketball game for those who like sports, a "who wants to be a millionaire" style game, and a series of games with a small monster called Kiwi. The benefit of using games for in class or homework is that the students will be able to see how much fun they can have while doing work and especially while doing math work. With all the different types of games available, each student would be able to choose the game that best fits their interests and their learning style.

SOS Math
This website provides examples and explanations to most concepts covered in high school and college math. The site also has practice tests and message boards so that students can pose questions to other students. I have used it myself when I am looking for clarification in a class. The benefit of looking on this website would be so that the students could see the same information perhaps presented in a different way than was shown in class that may allow them to gain a fuller understanding. I believe that the most important part of teaching is for the students to grasp the information . If they need a little extra help to feel comfortable with the material, then they should go out and get that extra help. The detailed examples and pictures on the site can help to supplement a classroom lesson as well as serve as a review tool.

1 comment:

  1. Kate,

    Your rationle(s) for selecting the resources is sound. Link up your hyperlinks okay?

